The Knoxville Music Boosters is a group of parents, teachers, students and community members
who support the music programs in our public schools.
We work on lots of projects and always welcome new members!
We Need YOU!
How to Help with Music Boosters
The 2018-2019 School Year is in full swing, and as always, the Knoxville Music Boosters are busy supporting the performing arts programs in the Knoxville Community School District, and we need your help!
Our major focus at this time is replacing, updating, or repairing aging instruments and equipment like music stands, sousaphones, percussion instruments, choir robes, etc.
We welcome the families of students in K-12, the students themselves, and community members who care about the arts in our schools. Did you know that kids who participate in school music programs get better grades, higher test scores than their peers? Investing in our children's fine arts programs is an investment in our future!
We know you are busy, so we are changing how we do things a bit. We know many of you cannot make it to a bunch of meetings. So, if you want to help with a specific activity, we will make it easy for you to sign up for just those days. If you want to be more involved - that's GREAT too!
Here is a 'work in progress' list of Music Booster activities planned for 2018-2019 and the volunteers we need for each one.
2018-2019 Music Boosters Activities
Publicity Committee
Dates: All Year, Committee Chair: Annie Leonard
Coordinates Publicity for all events and activities, including making and distributing flyers, social media, press releases, radio and newspaper interviews, photos, etc. If you have some great photos of students and music boosters in action, please share them!
Needed: 2-4 pp
Out-of-Town Activity Chaperones
Dates; All Year, Committee Chair: TBD
Chaperones for KHS & KMS Band and Choir trips, competitions, etc. School requires that chaperones sign up in advance submit to a background check, which is good for 2 years.
Needed: 4-6 pp/event
Snack Providers
Dates: All Year TBD, Committee Chair: TBD
Provide snacks and drinks for longer trips/out of town activities.
Needed: 2 pp/event
Concert Chaperones
Dates: All Year Committee Chair: TBD
Backstage and Band Room Chaperones for all performances, K-12.
Needed: 4 pp/event
Marching Band Week Volunteers
Dates: July 30-Aug 3, 2018 Committee Chair Ben McCartney
Assist Band Director with equipment and students during Marching Band practice.
Needed: 2-4 pp.
Band Uniform Organization & Distribution
Dates: July - Aug 2018 Committee Chair: Jennifer Wadle
Help with organizing new uniforms when they arrive. On Aug 1 (tentative) documenting, fitting and distributing new uniforms, selling shoes, gloves & t-shirts to band members.
Needed: 8 to 10 pp
Band Week Potluck Family Dinner & Concert
Dates: Aug 3 2018, Committee Chair: Ben McCartney
Organize, set up, clean up.
Needed: 4-6 pp
Football Game Concessions (with Knoxville Booster Club)
Dates: Aug-Oct 2018 TBD, Committee Chair: TBD
Fundraiser. Work concession stand at 1-2 home football game.
Needed: 4-8 pp x 2 dates
Car Wash at Knoxville Motor Inn
Dates: Sep 15 2018, Committee Chair: Dani Graves
Fundraiser/Team Builder. Organize, set up, wash cars, take $, clean up. This was our students' favorite activity last year!
Needed: 6 pp/shift x 2 shifts, + students
Homecoming Tailgate at HyVee
Dates: Sep 28 2018, Committee Chair: Tim McBride & KMS Band
Fundraiser. Organize, help HyVee staff with set-up, serving, bussing, and clean up.
Needed: 4-6 pp + lots of middle school students
New York City Choir Trip Fundraisers
Dates: Sep - Dec 2018, Committee Chair: Jackie Duffy
Fundraisers: Hawkeye/Cyclone shirt sales, Candy Bar Sales, Spaghetti Dinner, Gift Wrapping, etc. All proceeds will be evenly distributed to reduce the trip cost for each student.
Needed: Students going on the trip and their families
Pasta Sales
Dates: Oct 17-Nov 2 2018, Committee Chair: Heather Anderson
Fundraiser. Organizing and selling pasta products.
Needed: Middle and High School Band and Choir Students and families
Living Windows
Dates: Nov 15 2018, Committee Chair: Shannen Cahill & Annie Leonard
Fundraiser. Bake Sale and Christmas Caroling at Iowa Realty office!
Needed: 4-6 pp + lots of middle school students
Basketball Game Concessions (with Knoxville Booster Club)
Dates: Nov 2018-Feb 2019 home games TBD, Committee Chair: TBD
Fundraiser. Work concession stand at 1-2 home basketball games.
Needed: 4-6 pp + students x 2 shifts/ game
Spring Musical Meals
Dates: Jan-March 2019, Committee Chair: TBD
Provide meals for cast & crew during show week and set work days. Quantity depends on the number of cast and crew members. Work days bring about 30 pp. Generally, 1-3 households per date bring these meals.
Needed: Meals for between 30 and 75 pp x approx.12 dates
Spring Musical Costume & Set Volunteers
Dates: Jan-March 2019, Committee Chair: TBD
Work to create and/or find costumes, sets, props, etc., during production weeks; dressers, and chaperones during rehearsals, Musical Week, & all performances.
Needed: Many!
Fine Arts Breakfast
Dates: May 2018, Committee Chair: TBD
Organize, set up and clean up.
Needed: 4-6 pp
How to Contribute
We welcome your contributions, and we're making it easy to donate, whether you support our fundraisers or prefer to send money!
Support a Fundraiser
Check this page for our upcoming events and get your car washed, come to our tailgate party, enjoy our Variety Show, or donate or shop at one of our garage sales.
Amazon Smiles
If you are an Amazon shopper, use the Amazon Smiles option, and Amazon with send us 0.5% of your purchases! Go to https://smile.amazon.com/ and designate 'Knoxville Music Boosters' as your charity of Choice.
Send a Check
Of course, we also welcome checks sent through the US Postal Service!
Please mail them to:
Knoxville Music Boosters
PO Box 403, Knoxville IA 50138
Thank You for your Support!
2017-2018 Accomplishments
During the 2017-2018 school year, Knoxville Music Boosters worked hard, and had lots of successes!
With the support of the community from the previous school year, we purchased new marching band uniforms and debuted them at Ken Locke Stadium during the football season.
We sent chaperones along on marching band trips, to band and choir competitions throughout the year.
We organized and fitted the new Marching Band Uniforms during the August Marching Band Week.
We helped purchase various pieces of equipment including a grand piano dolly, new uniform racks, and more.
We organized and volunteered to support the Spring Musical with costumes, sets, and meals during rehearsals and set-work days.
We raised funds for five scholarships for graduating Seniors.
And now, we're gearing up to continue the work next year!